♥ Date: Thursday, June 18, 2009
HELLLOOO. okay I'm so bored. For the benefit of joy chia yu lynn, i'll tell you about my life. a very interesting life. so you must read word for word, with great intensity and a open mind so as to absorb all the information I'm going to post as it will help to increase your knowledge from a wonderful blog filled with Chelsey's life story. OKAY SO HERE GOES:
I did not do anything much today except for reading my story book. As for joy chia, you should learn from me and do the same! hahah
Went out with Amabel, Alex and Alison. To vivo city. It was amabel's birthday, so i met Alison at Novena and bought Amabela Tiramisu cake from coffee bean. Yummy. Brought it all the way to vivo and it was so messy by then! haha, but never mind, we sang a failed happy birthday song. haha. Then decided to watch movie. But went to ripcurl first. Saw many bikinis. NICE! Amabel didnt like them i guess, she wants from flash and splash. So yep, Saw a yellow one. NICE. Alison love it too. Then went to check out the timings. We had 2 choices: drag me to hell-4.30 and ghost of girlfriends past- 5pm. ALison was protesting about watch drag me to hell, but in the end, we watch it. haah. It wasnt that scary, coffin was. it had many more scary photos. haha, only the sound effect frightens you. by the time it ended, it was 6.40pm. so amabel had to go and celebrate her birthday with her family. Then we all went home!
Was supposed to meet up for green wave project but alex couldnt make it and she had all the ideas. so we decided to go to the museum for history. So boring i tell you. Must keep on listening to the companion. So then amabel had to go for DB at 3. so left at 2pm. reached PS at 2.30. We went around deciding on what to eat. then amabel bought macs to eat. Then alison was like, i felt a vibration. is it your phone or mine. then i checked it, guess what?! ALESIA GIAN SAID SHE SEE ME AT PS. I was like huh, where. but she didnt reply. ]: DAMN FREAKY. like the other time i saw her at j8 when i was with joy. then we ran away, then she smsed me saying she saw me alrd. i was like what? so ya, it was like 2.29 when i saw it . she sent at 2.22 so i didnt know where she was. then amabel had to leave. Alison and i decided to eat at carls junior. damn ex but yummmyyyy. haha, we drew pictures o amabel in bikini and alex in tankini. ahahah. Then went to cotton on and bought flats. i bought silver, she bought black. then walked to museum again cos havent finish. on the way, we changed to our flats. damn painful. by the time we reached there, i had blisters. omg sick. ya. then changed back and blah blah, did work then went home.
THURSDAY (today)
ok so today i played tennis with shuli at my condo! so fun! i was training myself, haha. i'm able to hit with my forehand from the base line hit straght somemore. i always couldnt. so ya. i was telling shuli that she was my new coach but she was like: ya, but i think i can only charge 50 cents per hour. haha. funny lots. So yep, supposed to have project in the afternnoon but it was cancelled. Went for lunch with shuli at j8. then went to buy sweet talk. and went to see tennis racket. i want either the yellow or orange one! both very brigh and nice!! so yeah, shuli had to go to yishun for cip so i went home. ahah. THE ENDDD oh anyway, i havent done my chinese. want to me my progression?

Okay, so ya, joy chia. there you have it hahah.okay bye. 16 more days! hurry joy!
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♥ Date: Thursday, June 4, 2009
HELLLO, okay i'm going to post about this weeek!
MONDAYok so didnt do much but went to the library to pay my fines and borrow books! Went shopping with my mum!
TUESDAY Today went out with amabel and alison. Alex forgot that it was her gong gong's birthday so she didnt come. ]: Ok since alison had guitar lessons, we went to meet her at novena. went bikini hunting. funny! ya, then went cotton on and buy tank top which i didnt wear haha. Went orchard. wanted to watch movie but decided to shop instead. Went far east. Bought a shirt, earing and 2 friendship bands. NICE!! Then went to wisma atrium, shop in forever 21. The stuff there are like super cheap now! compared to last time. Though didnt buy anything.
WEDNESDAY Today, hadly did anything but read my books. boring. Wont go into details.
THURSDAY (today)ok today was class outing at sentosa! damn fun! Ok i planned to wake up at 8.45am but over slept cos my phone alarm clock was on my table. so yep. Also planned to leave house at 10.10 but only woke up t 10.15am when amabel called my house phone. Got kinda shocked that i overslept. left house at 10. 30am. haha. took bus to novena. took train to wait for alison. she was even later than me! ha! haha, she took so long then went to dohby gout to meet amabel. Then we got into the train. Then suddenly alison appeared in the train! haha. Damn freaky! Ya, we were the last to meet. EVERYONE was waiting for us. haha. so bought tickets and went in. started with amazing race! We had to lucky draw for our group. i ended up with amanda, bernice,melody and ,melissa. hahah. so yep. The amazing race was crazy. went from place to place. like beaches to beaches. look tram and the monorail here and there. tiring but super fun! hahah. Ended up the last group. Had to do sit ups and push ups. but hardly did any. they didnt really care. haha. Aiyah, i'm kinda tired to type. so ya. anyway, i had a sunburnt of my tanktop. cos i wore racerback so got 2 semi circle at the back. super red. the front also got hahah. okay anyway,photos up on facebook.
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